First of all 1 out of 3 women, 1 out of 4 men experience DV/IPV in their lifetime. That's not that much of a difference. Apparently women abuse men too. DV/IPV is not a gendered issue.
Your response kind of makes his point. Regardless of size or gender, DV/IPV is wrong. If a woman hits a man, that is either DV/IPV, period. Size or gender doesn't make it any less so. Expecting a man to just take it, walk away or hide to escape violence while justifying women hitting back in defense is a double standard. Women need to learn what men already know: if you are afraid that someone will hit you back, don't hit them. Women use the "he's man, he's stronger than me" to justify perpetrating violence without repercussion. That's wrong, period.
The number one reason men do not report abuse is because it's normalized. Society says, "If you report abuse from a woman, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to suggest you leave, hide run for cover. You will likely be dissmissed and belittled." That is f*cked up.