You sneaky bastard. :) Yea you tricked me. To be honest, I've always felt the phrase, "Men suffer from the patriarchy too." has been used to shutdown discussions about men's issues. It's usually accompanied by statements like "Why are you blaming feminists?", "Men created this, not us." and finally "What do you expect women to do about it? Do we have to do everything for you? Should we make you a sandwich too?". These led me to believe that feminists were generally uninterested in men's issues.
I do see feminists online that seem to genuinely care about men's issues, they just seem like a very small minority. The feminists that do seem to care always try to convince me that the man-haters are just a really vocal minority. Maybe that's true, however does it matter if the silent majority just stays silent?
The reason I clapped for your story is because you talk about men's issues without being dismissive and without stoking controversy (IMHO). You are pretty consistent in trying to see things for all sides. When you talk about men being victims of the patriarchy, it's not dismissive towards men or as a gotcha about feminism. I like that.
Maybe I should read Bell Hooks.