You 're demanding that men protect you, when you offer nothing in but the threat of toxic statements about their masculinity in return. If we confront another man about his behavior, we risk violence and ultimately...death.
The highlighted section I just have to roll my eyes at. I'm not automatically obligated to be your body guard because I'm a man. . If a man is unwilling to do that for you, you feel you have the authority to revoke his status as a man. That's some serious entitlement.
Men as primary provider and protectors are traditional roles. It's a patriarchal bargain. Women submit to male authority in exchange for that. You're a feminist, which kind of makes the demand for male protection baseless.
Now, I'm not saying that men shouldn't protect women, They should do it because they are human beings that care for other human beings. They aren't uniquely obligated because they're men. You aren't entitled to our bodies any more than we are entitled to yours. I get to choose who I sacrifice my safety for. A man who refuses to sacrifice his safety on your behalf, regardless what you think, is still man.