Bryan Martin
2 min readApr 17, 2023


Yes I read the article. The purpose in my response was to counter that ladies night was a good example of female privilege. That such a juvenile strawmen argument. Nobody gives a fuck about ladies night. Instead I enumerated a list of privileges that matter.

“Your claims are man made and are not done by women. Jesus fucking christ! How is male suicide womens fault?”

My claims are social issues, which is a critique of society, not one gender. I never blamed women. I don't blame an entire gender for things. Society does a poor job of supporting men in crisis. Lookup hypoagency vs hyperagency.

“How is it womens fault that the judges who are men decide? How is it that men commit 90% of all crimes womens fault when the male judges give women lighter sentencing because they have children and women in general commit less crimes? Thats is sexism agaisnt women not men.”

As far as sentencing gap, each case should be weighed on it's own merit. A man shouldn't get a longer sentence because he's just because he's a man. I don’t know how women getting lighter sentences is sexism against women. Getting a lighter sentence seems like a benefit, no? Can you explain that to me?

"Why are we always the ones taking care of the children?"

That is a good question, and a social issue that society needs to address. Society needs to expect men to be caretakers too. However, with regards to sentencing gaps, it's a whataboutism.

"Why do women who kill their husbands get 15-30 years and men only get 5- 10 years for killing their wife? Please tell me that?"

I don't know what you're talking about. I doubt men typically only have to serve 5-10 years in prison for murdering their wife. That's ludicrous. If it's true can you respond with reference material?

Note: I find it interesting that women get so hostile at the mere mention of the advantages they have. I’m not blaming women for these things. I am simply countering the statement that they are a myth.



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