Wow, this post will not be helpful for most men. It's likely to make most of us more insecure than ever. Let me summarize. A confident man is:
1. Good in bed. Adventurous but knows his/her limits. Knows all of her wants and desires,
2. Makes shit happen. Never procrastinates, never misses a beat. Never misses a birthday, and anniversary. If there's an empty schedule for both of you, it HIS responsibility to fill it. If you break a commitment with him because of work, no apology is required, he'll just rearrange his life.
3. Secure with himself. He should not add any drama. His problem are his own. He should just make good shit happen. Any bad shit is his to deal with on his own time.
4. Can hold his own in a disagreement. But again, no drama. All of his arguments should be logically formed and thoroughly researched.
5. Always a good time. Again, no drama. No insecurities.
This article reinforces the idea of men being indestructible. This shit is killing us. Literally. Please stop posting stuff like this.