With all due respect Georgia, I think you've missed my point. No where in my post did I declare that the concept of White privilege was a fallacy. My point was that it is difficult for a white person living in extreme poverty to recognize this privilege when compared to the relative class privilege that belongs to middle class or affluent Black people. The author himself responded and acknowledge this difficulty.
You are correct that White people are not treated unfairly because of their race. I would never refute this. However, impoverished people are also mistreated because of their socio-economic standing. This includes poor White people, the target of the article. The myth of meritocracy reinforces the belief that poor people live in poverty by choice. Similar to system racism, our laws and policies use wealth-based discrimination to punish people simply because they are poor. So when an affluent Black person tells a poor White person living under such hardship and oppression to "check their privilege", it can certainly come off as tone deaf.
I admire your passion on racial justice and I enjoy having heated debates on social issues. I don't particularly enjoy being the target of someone's outrage. I'm not sure if you realize this but, all caps is the equivalent of yelling at me. I don't think I have said anything warranted being yelled at. I try to treat people on these forums with courtesy and respect, even if I disagree with them.