We have not reached parity here in America.
I never made the claim the parity has been reached. My claim is that we're making progress towards gender equality. To me, that means patriarchal power is in decline. If the Patriarchy was the cause of men committing suicide, we should see a reduction in the suicide rate. Instead we are seeing an increase. That is in direct contradiction to your suggestion that the Patriarchy is the cause of men committing suicide.
There are many other reasons that might cause men to commit suicide that we continue to ignore. 70% of the homeless are men. Over 90% of prison inmates are men. There’s criminal court bias and sentencing disparity where men receive nearly 60% longer sentences than women for the same crime.
Men are just as likely to experience IPV or DPV, yet less than 1% of abuse refuge is available to men.
Women out perform men in education in every level and every age group. Yet almost every award from Title IX complaints have gone to women.
200 children lose contact with their fathers every day in secret courts.
We don't tell women to communicate more and to cry in order to fix their problems. We build committees, conferences and spend billions in tax payer money to solve them.
I think men are more likely to commit suicide because society fails to support men in crisis. We need solutions, not just talk. Anything less is a pull yourself up by your bootstraps conclusion.