Unemployment rates are at 50 year lows, that is correct. The stock market is experiencing an unprecedented bull run, no doubt. I think your claim that a direct link between the DJI and the well being of 1/2 of the US exists is dubious at best. Too bad that it’s likely the huge tax cuts, mostly the corporate tax rate, that is making this possible. We’re accumulating national debt at an unprecedented rate. So the current optimism that you’re talking about has been paid for by mortgaging our future, and it’s the wealthy that are benefiting the most. It will be the wealthy that will have the financial fortitude to endure austerity measures that we will eventually need to implement to avert collapse, while our children suffer. I think it’s funny you mention that real-wage growth is stronger and more consistent than it’s been in well over a decade: That because wage growth has been basically non-existent for an entire decade. We’ve seen record numbers of national disasters which have displaced millions of families. Meanwhile, climate change deniers push us to increase our carbon dioxide emissions when we should be reducing them. So, just close your eyes to and watch Fox and Friends…it’s all good!