To be clear, I'm unequivocally pro-choice. However, I do not agree with the statement that men should alone bear the responsibility of unplanned pregnancies, even if abortion is outlawed.
If a woman has consented to sex, knowing that there is no birth control, that is a decision that she makes. She is responsible for that decision. That is what consent means. If an unplanned pregnancy occurs as a result, then she shares the responsibility for it. If a woman does not consent to sex without birth control and the man impregnates her anyway (either by stealthing or rape), that is a violation.
I do believe that men should share the cost of pregnancies, abortions...whatever with women. I know that is not enforced legally and it totally should be. I agree that birth control should be more accessible to women. However, it would be tragic to charge a man for a crime simply because a woman gets pregnant. She consent, he consents they even use birth control. Birth control fails, and now he's a criminal? For what?