This is a very partisan point of view. The first two years, the tax overhaul was the only substantive legislation that happened and that’s with majorities in the house and the senate. The result of which was a tax relieve of which 80% went the top 1%. Long term this bill we result in trillion dollar deficits and record debt levels within a decade. This is already happening, this tax cut is not paying for itself. Mitch McConnell was already talking about cutting medicare and social security in order to decrease the deficit. Sooo, tax cuts to the rich are being paid for by reducing or postponing the retirement payments for lower and middle income Americans. Much of this we’ve already paid for, I’m in my 50’s and I’ve been almost fully employed since I was 15 and I’ve been paying social security out of my paycheck every year.
What Trump has done has signed loads and loads of executive orders. One that undid the subsidy paid to insurance companies to that sell to low-income consumers through state health insurance marketplaces. This caused uncertainty in the medical insurance markets and gave the insurance companies the pretext to raise rates. For most of us, this offset any tax reduction.
Time will tell if our economy is stronger or not. I think it’s time we find a better way of measuring the success of a president besides looking at the stock market. For most American’s, the stock market is a poor metric for measuring quality of life.