Bryan Martin
2 min readMay 2, 2022


* This is a long comment. There is a TLDR at the bottom.

The problem I have with your articles is that the content is very one sided. In this context the phrase "More than the the bare minimum" seems like a euphemism for "You owe me, I don't owe you". What I'm getting out of your articles is that you feel that the world is not fair for women and if a man wants to date you he must be willing to compensate for that percieved unfairness. At least in order to have sex with you. I cannot see why a confident, well adjusted man would feel obligated to do that. The way you've worded it implies that you as a woman have intrinsically more value than a man does. That's was my impression. Maybe it wasn't your intention.

I understand what you mean be casual sex and I agree that kind of sex from a woman's point of view can be very degrading. However, approaching the issue of not wanting casual sex with the kind of rhetoric that your using is counter productive. I completely understand when women want to hold off on having sex until the relationship meets some threshold criteria for intimacy. I do know that a relationship grows when partners demonstrate affection for each other. Gifts, gestures and favors are a part of this (and this go both ways) However, using gifts, gestures and favors as a threshold for sex seems a bit transactional to me. Once the intimacy threshold has been reached, sex is consensual and mutually beneficial. There's no reason to exchange something for it.

The notion that you're 'giving something up' when you have sex with a man spoils everything. If there is anything in your writing that is triggering, it's this.

I do realize that I'm simply repeating a lot of what you've said in your article.


There is one thing I disagree with: Men must earn sex. I think you'll find this is the notion that men object to. I believe it's fair to say that men must earn your trust, respect and admiration. I think that needs be a two way street. Once that has been earned and you have the prerequsite intimacy, sexual intercourse should come with no strings attached.



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