Bryan Martin
Nov 5, 2021


This article seem biased to me. It implies a good/bad dichotomy with man and women. (women=good, men=bad). For example:

1. Men are hung up on sex. Women are only worried about time and energy being diverted from their children.

2. Men can't forgive. Women can.

3. Men are liars. Women are honest.

4. Men don't take responsibility for their misdeeds. In fact they do not feel any remorse. Women often take responsibility for their behavior and their man's.

5. Men cheat because they're driven by sexual desires. Women cheat because a man is doing something wrong.

6. Men objectify women. Women do not objectify men.

7. Women are afraid of divorce and it's implications to their children. Men use a women's infidelity as an excuse to replace her.



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