That's gender equality from a Feminist (women's advocacy) perspective. I can agree with some of it, but the spirit of it has the stink of oppressor / oppressed gender dichotomy. Women are oppressed by society (both men and women). Men are oppressed by society (both men and women). Feminists tend to have a lopsided view on history. As if being a man in the 1970's was awesome. While women couldn't open bank accounts, 19 year old men were legally compelled to kill or be killed in the jungles of Vietnam.
Because of that, I'm a wary of when feminists say they need to 'lift masculinity out of the gutter'. It villainizes or pathologizes masculinity. Additionally Feminists tend (not all feminists) to think men's problems should be addressed by individual change (men changing for society), while women's problems should be addressed by society changing for women. It's uneven. So lifting masculinity out of the gutter is about men being different (changing men's views on society), where lifting femininity out of the gutter is about society being different (change societies views on women). Tell me that's not what your thinking and you will make me glad.
Try reading "The Myth of Male Power" by William Farrell.