Thank you for writing this.
Personally, I've struggled applying the 'Women in Tech' moniker to women who worked in tech companies but not within the engineering organization. Not because I want to exclude women from anything, quite the opposite.
We need more diversity in software engineering and I have felt my experience at work as a 'Man in Tech' as always been better when it includes women as colleages. So, I strongly feel that 'Women in Tech' should be spotlighted and celebrated.
While I do not believe that 'Women in Tech' necessarily has to be a technical role (although that would be my preference), I think it's disingenuous to highlight women outside of the engineering organization: marketing, sales, finance...etc as 'Women in Tech' It's not because I don't respect women that work in those fields, I just don't think it demonstrates progress towards achieving diversity in tech.
For example, as a person that works in a Software as a Service company, I don't feel that my experience is much more diverse when they hire a woman as the CFO. Sure, I'll hear her talk about hitting our MRR goals at quarterly meetings, but I'm not working with her to build stuff every day. At my company these following roles I would love to see more women in
Software Engineer
Product Manager
Product Owner
Project Manager
Database Administrator
Database Architect
Development Manager
Software Architect
Devops Engineer
UI Designer
QA Engineer
QA Manager
Security Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Director of Engineering
Director of Architecture