Saying "most of the time" is still a generalization. Saying "enough of the time for me to judge someone based on their gender alone" is definitively discriminatory. Make no mistake, that is precisely what she is doing.
You can get all bent out of shape about it, but what I am saying is definitively true.
Come back when you’ve been a woman that’s lived years, decades, of encounters with men of every kind. Until then, pipe down and learn to listen and respect women’s authority on the subject. You’re not entitled to respect of your opinion on areas you clearly know sh*t all about, at the expense of people that actually live those experiences.
I will voice my opinion, if you don't like it...block me. However, if you think telling me "to pipe down, your opinion is not worthy of respect" is going to be an effective deterrent to me voicing my opinion, well GFYS.