Ok, I'm not advocating for Republicans. Young men are a segment of our population that is in free-fall right now. They don't have the same economic opportunities, unless they earn a college degree.
Many men do not feel welcome at college campuses due to the current social climate and criticism of masculinity. The current framing can feel quite hostile to young men.
Similarly corporate DEI initiatives may make young men excluded, especially if it's not clear on how those initiatives everyone, including young men.
The current dating culture is not very friendly to young men. The number of men who have not had a romantic relationship by the age of 30 is higher than it's been in a long time.
Young men commit suicide at 4 times the rate of young women.
So, romance, economics, education and mental health are all effecting young men in a unique way that our generations (yours and mine) didn't experience. And the Democrats had nothing to offer them. The Democrats could offer an acknowledgement of their challenges and some policies that may help them, directly or indirectly. They are trying to get the young men's vote, no?
The whole hand holding thing...really? On behalf of my 20 year old, I would like to say OK Boomer...fuck off.