Ok, I was being facetious and I wasn't addressing you personally. I am frustrated because women being primary caretakers during the marriage is often what the couple agree to. She cuts back at work and they rely on his income so she can spend more time with the children. His agreement to doing this, unwittingly, leads to his children being taken away from him after divorce. When she says: I want to stay home with the children, what it typically means for him is, "I'm taking the kids if we divorce". How many times do you think women have included taking the kids with the threat of divorce? How many times do you think women have threatened their husbands who want to divorce with, 'you'll never see your kids again."?
I was on a forum the other day on the subject of DNA testing. Several women stated that if their boyfriend ever asked for a DNA test and the child turned out to be theirs, they would make damned sure he never saw his child. What gives them the confidence that they can do that? The current bias in the courts do. Women know that they can use the courts to keep a father away from their children. And they use that power, not for the sake of the children, but to punish. Tell me how that's equality?
Yea, custody battles are bad, but their typically worse for men than they are for women.