My Opinion
Attractiveness is relative to each person. What a person deems as attractive is relative to their own perceived attractiveness. Most of these "stereotypes" are a negative spin on men's perception of women who are "out of their league" from an attractiveness perspective (sour grapes). If a man is dating a woman that they perceive is out of their league, it creates a power imbalance. This perceived power imbalance triggers their insecurity and fear:
1. They're Flirts - Jealousy born of insecurity and fear.
2. They've Got a Rich Guy - Fear of not measuring up. Women are instinctively hypergamous. Being attractive increases the odds of marrying up successfully. Men know this and worry about how they measure up economically.
3. They Make Poor Wives - Men perceive an "attractiveness" power imbalance will get resolved by their acceptance of poor behavior from their partner.
4. They're not intelligent - Men believe that an intelligence differential would offset an attractiveness differential creating a balance in power. They nurture the idea that their partner is not intelligent in order to address their own fear and insecurity.
Men are better off if they pursue women that they feel are within "their league". This way the relationship starts off on an even footing and men don't conjure up the stereotypes above in order to resolve the imbalance.