In truth, to me to me it was never that transactional. For example, when I was single, if she agreed on a second date and I was paying that meant that there was confirmed mutual interest after the first date. That mean I had a pretty good chance at getting a kiss at the end of the date. But I only felt this way because I liked her and I thought she liked me. It didn't have anything to do with paying for the date. If I didn't get the kiss, I would wonder why. In fact, I would probably think that she wasn't interested and didn't have the courage to turn me down when I asked her on the date. I would resent her a little? Why? Because, when I was single, I was poor. Paying for a date was a significant expense for me. It would have hurt my ego, but I would have had a lot of respect for her if she had agreed to go out on the second date as friends and suggested that we go dutch.