I understand what you are saying, and I agree with the substance of your article. While I don't really like it, Justin, as a man, is reclaiming the phrase "Man enough" and redefining it and using it to define the kind of man he wants to be. That is different than you, as a woman, deciding what man enough means to you (like supporting Feminism) and posing the question to men, "Are you man enough to support Feminism".
I feel like the requirement to be a man is to survive childhood and youth. That's a man. He doesn't need to do anything else to earn his membership to his gender. His actions dictate whether what kind of man he is (good, bad, courageous...whatever), but he's still a man. This use of gender as a qualitative or quantitative adjective is harmful. Your intentions are good, I know. However, I object to the use of phrases like "Man enough", "Real Men" and "Man up".