I have a right to my opinion and I haven't made any personal attacks on anyone. Homicide affects men in greater proportion than it affects women (you've acknowledged this). I don't argue with women for focusing on issues that primarily affect them, I argue with women that are creating narratives where they are the primary victims of something that they are not. You can talk about the Dominance Hierarchy and the Patriarchy until you are blue in the face, that doesn't change the fact that men are the primary victims of homicide, not women. Questioning my motives, or characterizing me as an angry man, or comparing me with racists or telling me which stories I can and can't respond to won't change that immutable fact.
There is article after article on Medium talking about how women are victims
- Women aren't paid the same - Ok
- Women are sexually harrassed - Ok
- Women don't get the same respect at work - Ok
- Women have to do more emotional labor - Ok
- Women suffer from more often from domestic violence - Ok
- Women are less safe (than men) from voilent crime on the street - Wait a freaking moment. That is an absolute falsehood. I have every right to call that out.