I appreciate your well thought out and, frankly, polite response. It's nice to get those on Medium, even if the person disagrees with you. Before I go any further I would like to express that I have no opinion on whether or not you are misandrist. You say you are not and I'm likely just to take you at your word. I have no reason to disbelieve you and I am at no personal risk if you are wrong. So my argument with you is not personal. You probably know this. I just want to be clear: my intention is not to attack you or troll or be a jerk.
My argument is simply with the premise of your article. And the premise is that because you have a son you cannot be a misandrist. Agreed, misandry is less common and so you are less likely to be anti-male. It is still possible. I would propose that it is possible to have a son, love him and still have general feelings of misandry. I believe that there are those that feel that men have a certain place in the hierarchy as well. Women who support the patriarchy often believe men are incapable of empathy, for example.