I absolutely acknowledge the women are subjected to different sorts of violence. I've acknowledged multiple times that women are subjected to domestic violence and sexual assault way more than men. Women on Medium often say that they are less safe than men outside the home. Baroness Jones in the UK actually suggested that men (only men) should not be allowed outside the home after 6pm (a curfew). How will that help if most women face the risk of violence in the home? Why would she say that if there was a fair narrative about women and violence in the media? Stranger violence in the towards women is exaggerated in the media and the dangers that men face are downplayed. The whole curfew idea is rationalized through the narrative that women have to take extra precaution (beyond what men have to) to avoid violence outside the home. This is a false narrative and it's being used to dehumanize men by suggesting that we should imprison them in their own homes.