A lot of these women think you're cheap if you inviting them out for coffee on a first date.
How much more money are you spending to look good on a date vs what you normally do to get ready for work? Is it really equal to your half of a dinner and movie (about $100)? Before you start tallying up your monthly makeup and hair care costs, how much of that are you actually using that night? $100 worth? If so that would be very surprising to me. How women I date handle their money is important to me and I am simply not compatible with someone that is that frivolous.
As far as childcare goes, we all have our own expenses to manage. I have kids I have to pay for too. If you don't have a co-parenting arrangement with your ex, how is that my responsibility? The tenor of this article is: "if you can't afford to pay for both me and you, then you can't afford to date." Bringing up your childcare expenses seems pretty hypocritical.
When does it end? Are men supposed to pick up the tab for a woman's entertainment indefinitely as they're dating? If we can't afford it, then we're not worth dating? (talk about being objectified) When are women supposed to start chipping in?
According to the author, that's never. We're supposed to be grateful for basking in her presence.
Before you call me a Grade A Asshole, re-read this article. This women has absolutely no empathy for the men she dates. This woman is a textbook narcissist.
Truth is, if and when I go on another first date, I'll pay. Not because I want to, but because I have to. It's an accepted social norm. She'll expect it because all women do. She won't appreciate it and she won't reciprocate. It's not an investment, it's the cost of playing the game. And women (like the author) who have the entitled cavalier attitude about it just makes it a more bitter pill to swallow.
If a woman offers to split the bill, I appreciate it even if I don't accept the offer. Sometimes I'll accept, especially if I don't feel there will be a second date. It shows that she acknowledges the burden of paying and appreciates it. It actually makes me want to pay. (I'll get all giddy inside) It also shows that at some point she will be willing to chip in and share the cost of our experience together. It shows she cares. If she doesn't offer, I think she doesn't care. It's the first date. This is the nicest she'll ever be.