Bryan Martin
1 min readApr 11, 2023


How did you deal with the loud snorers? Did you elbow them, painfully, in the side of the head? I may be making assumptions here, so indulge me. I'm guessing you would never, ever, ever elbow anybody in the head for snoring too loud: least of all your wife.

I get it. You're a loud snorer and it made you feel bad that you were depriving someone else of sleep. It wasn't something you were doing on purpose. It's a medical condition, not a moral one.

I, personally, object to the double standard here. Women are perfectly capable of restraining themselves. When someone, whether it be out of anger, frustration or even sleep deprivation, commits violence towards another person, It's wrong, regardless of gender.

You may be ok with it, but it continues to reinforce a double standard that is harmful. Your narrative is that your ex-wife taught you how not to snore by assaulting until you learned to stop. You learned to sleep on your side to avoid being elbowed in the side of the head in the middle of the night. It's not funny to me at all.

What I find the most disheartening is that you have accepted that you deserved to be abused (let's call it what it is) by your ex-wife. And you offer up this little tid bit of your life, as if it were a joke.



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