The concept of hate wasn't born by men, at least not that I know of. Hate is a human emotion. Misandry is not a reasonable response to misogyny. Feminism is. Feminists hate misogyny. Misandrists hate men (regardless of whether they are misogynists or not). Women won't stop hating people (men or women) if men stop hating them first. That is absurd. People (men or women) will continue to hate others because they themselves are flawed. It's normal and justified to hate a thing (dishonesty, violence, racism, misogyny or misandry). It’s also justifiable to hate a person, especially if they have abused you. It’s also justifiable to hate people who do bad things (murderers, rapists, abuser and exploiters). It's not justifiable to hate a group of people because they share an unalterable trait: height, intelligence, race or gender: period. That is a character flaw, regardless of your gender.
You can make the point that in a broad, general sense that misogyny has been more harmful than misandry. That doesn't make something more or less justifiable. If you hate me because I am a man and no other reason, it is precisely the same as me hating you for being a woman and no other reason. To suggest differently is definitively a double standard.