First of all great article. I think you nailed it. I think it's easier to criticize women with regards to looks because we put so much value on their looks.
It's easier for us to accept a chubby man with a fit woman because we assume he has other characteristics that would help him overcome being chubby. With women, we value looks above all else, so a perceived weakness in that area becomes hard to overcome. To be clear, I'm talking about social norms, not my personal opinion.
We would do the same thing with a poor man and a rich woman. We value financial success in men above all else. A lack of financial success becomes difficult (socially speaking) for men to overcome. "Why is she with him? She is so beautiful, she could be married to a doctor or a lawyer or something." Does that sound familar?
Regardless, I everytime I feel that kind of jealousy, I do realize it's my own personal fear of not measuring up that is behind it. In that you are totally correct.