Feminism is a movement aimed at achieving gender equality through the advocacy of women's rights. Patriarchy Theory describes the dynamic of men and women through the lens of an oppressor - oppressed dichotomy. Feminists, within this context, understandably minimize the struggles that men face. Instead suggesting direct action by society, as they do for women, Feminists tend to suggest that men 'heal themselves' by not being toxic or by seeking therapy. They typically ignore or even worse oppose actions society should take in pursuit of equality in men's favor because the result would be the removal of advantages for women.
Two examples are (cited by the author in this article): domestic violence and paternity fraud. These are not caused by toxic masculinity, but by actions of either women or society on behalf of women. I'm not trying to be anti-woman. Men do bad things too. It's just society is reluctant on being fair about these two things and Feminists tend to lead that opposition.
I don't expect anything different from Feminism. As a whole, it's a perfectly legitimate movement. Feminism cannot advocate for men's rights, as conflicts of interest will naturally arise. Men's rights advocacy is what is needed for men. Men need to stop villainizing Feminism and Women need to stop villainizing men's right advocates. We must find a way to have a civil debate on gender issues, particularly when there are conflicts of interest.