Dude, get out of town. What has Trump actually done to strengthen the economy? Let me answer that question, he cut the crap out of the corporate tax rate. Most of the tax cut directly benefited the top 1%. While was politically convenient and to be fair it did improve an already pretty robust job market, it was NOT fiscally responsible. US will run up a trillion dollar deficit this year, something we haven’t done since the recession. It’s typical to incur higher deficits during an economic downturn because taxable earnings are down and public spending is meant to stimulate the economy, but during a boom?! Where do we go now when the boom ends? To hell is my guess. Who do you think suffers the most during recessions? Black people. Trump and the Republicans are NOT friends to Black or Hispanics, that’s for sure. Now he wants to cut food stamps and cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Let me summarize:
- The rich get richer
- The Middle Class have to wait until 70, 75 or 80 I guess to retire. (I love how they call Social Security an Entitlement…I’ve been paying into it since I was 15…I think I’m entitled to my own freaking money).
- The poor die. (No health care or shot by police).
Thanks you Mr Trump…Bawk, Bawk.