Can we have a conversation without the personal attacks? I have an opinion, and I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. Calling me a clown or dismissing my views as "drinking the Kool-Aid' is extremely disrespectful. I don't think it makes your views any more credible. Seriously, how does it make you feel when people say, "You're just white knighting" or "stop virtue signaling". What you're doing is hypocritical.
Back to the subject:
"Literally nobody disagrees that men can be victims of domestic abuse"
If this is really true, why is there so little support for men who report abuse. Why is laughter a common response to male victims of IPV?
Why is it still considered by many to be a gendered issue?
In these articles, they claim that domestic violence perpetrated by women are the exception to the rule. Meanwhile, there studies are have shown that gendered perpetrated violence is at parity.