But this is really hyperbole. Both men and women have used this word 'hatred' to either describe or defend feminism. I think it's disingenuous. I do not think that feminists hate men. I do feel that the basis of feminism is rooted in belief that men are the problem. It's gotten better over the last decade in that 'men' has been conceptually abstracted into the 'patriarchy'. However, if you go back and read many of the posts on medium by feminists, it's primarily about how men are causing problems.
That being said, I do support feminism and I support gender equality. I think, if we want to be honest with ourselves, feminism takes the position that our society prioritize the male point of view, and that women are treated unjustly in society as a consequence. Truth is, I agree with that. However, if you want to tell me that feminism is also about the well being and rights of those who are not women, I'm not buying it.