Just be a human above all, if you see something which isn’t right, speak up! If not you are just as guilty as the perpetrator.
Big Benny, I agree with you. That's why I ended with this:
Now, I'm not saying that men shouldn't protect women, They should do it because they are human beings that care for other human beings. They aren't uniquely obligated because they're men.
If she wants someone traditional, that's a bit dubious since she's a feminist, but to each their own. She's saying that men aren't 'real men' if they aren't willing to take on the protector role. I disagree that men are obligated to protect any woman just because they are men. I have no problem with women. I've been married for 20 years and I would protect my wife with my life. Here's the thing, she would do the same for me. It's not because I'm a man. It's because I'm a human being. I'm obligated to protect my wife as her partner. I'm obligated to protect my son and daughter as their parent. I am not obligated to protect anyone else, Not to say I wouldn't. That is a choice, not an obligation. Nobody besides my wife and children are entitled to my protection.