Be a genuinely kind person, living your own life (so in that sense your conclusion is correct) and love will probably find you.
Like you, I've been married for a long time (20 years). The contract between men and women is not the same as it was in your day and mine. It's easy for us to point out what worked in our day as if that sentiment is still valid today. Statistics do not lie, there are more men under the age of 30 that have never been with a woman than in our day. I think the author has come to a rational conclusion, stop chasing. It's a counter to the sunk cost fallacy. He's right, by the way. He needs to find a way to live a meaningful and happy life while fully accepting that he may do it alone. Platitudes like the one above aren't helpful and they set him up for disappointment and resentment. Disappointment and resentment only push the possibility of love and romance further out of reach, which is besides the point. For men to stop feeling disappointment and resentment, they first need to accept that romance is not something they are entitled to.