Bryan Martin
Aug 4, 2022


As I said, it's in dispute. Detractors usually bring up the fact that women are more likely to be injured. That still doesn't make men, overwelmingly as you said, the perpetrators of violence. It just means men are stronger. This is not a surprise.

Straus's point is, that if we are serious about ending domestic violence, people in intimate relationships need to stop assaulting one another, regardless of gender. Men often fail to report spousal abuse, because of the stigma created by the toxic masculinity you claim to oppose. Abusive women often feel that they can perpetrate domestic violence on men in without consequence because of this.

If all you need is 2 seconds of googling to find an article that validates your position, then there's no point in discussing it further. You've made up your mind regardless of the evidence either way.



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