As a husband and a father. I go to work everyday and come home to my wife (who hasn't had a full time job in 10 years). She does cook, but I do the dishes. I help our children with their home work. I watch TV with my wife and help her fold and put up laundry. If I am at home and she is doing domestic work, so am I. The money I earn goes into one of four buckets: bills, my allowance, her allowance, savings. Our allotted allowances are the same. Any discretionary spending comes out of our respective allowances. My role as provider is not a myth, it's reality. I've been married for 20 years and I've never cheated or abused my wife. We've had our disagreements and I've been frequently wrong. I am human and so is she.
This article is typical misandry. The contents of this article are dehumanizing to men. If you like being single, that's great. Have you been married? No? So your perspective was built on what? The women you know personally? That is NO basis for making such hateful generalizations about men. Many articles on Medium try to dispel the myth that Feminism is misandry, and I agree (I consider myself a feminist). As a man, in this context, my voice will likely be dismissed. Is there a women feminist that will call this out for misandry?