1. That's fair.
2. I get what you're saying here, but is it really applicable. This guy was just being a jerk. He wasn't thinking out of the box or standing up for some principle.
3. I mentioned that it my last post and I agree, he's conflated both racial and positional power. My issue with this article is really the following:
a. It treats white men as a monolith. We're not all members of the boardroom arrogantly wielding unchecked power. That is not what white privilege is. That is class privilege. I believe that class privilege has more of an impact in society than race. The most important color in America is green.
b. It seems to claim that all white males have a privilege they don't.
Consider for a minute what a poor white person might think when they see this. Anti-racism tries to convince them that they have privilege, even though they struggle with poverty. Don't you think articles like this are confusing to them?